The animals of the chaparral are all grassland and desert types, also adapted to the hot, dry weather. A few examples are coyotes, jackrabbits, mule deer, gophers, squirrels, lizards, tortoises, and horned toads.  Insects are also abundant, like honeybees, praying mantis, and ladybugs.  Although cold-blooded lizards soak up the morning sun on rocks, mammals often stay hidden in dens or burrows during the heat of the day, coming out only at night to hunt for prey.  Birds, like scrub jays and mockingbirds, feed on the numerous berries and acorns of the chaparral, while red-tailed hawks and ravens feed on small animals and carrion.
Mediterranean Chaparral -This biome is interesting in that, like the desert, most of the animals are small and/or nocturnal.  Large animals simply can't stand the heat of day in many of these locations, and it's hard for a large animal to burrow. Mediterranean chaparral animals are aslo able to adapt to water.